• Why are we so tired and what can we do about it?

    Why are we so tired and what can we do about it?

    Fatigue is one of the most common complaints that physicians hear from patients. In truth fatigue can be a silent thief; stealing time spent with loved ones, causing you to be unproductive at work, and even setting off symptoms of depression. It is important to treat...
  • Don’t be Fooled

    Don’t be Fooled

    There are countless supplements out there claiming to treat and even worse “potentially cure” diabetes.  Manufacturers make use of social media to advertise and often “glorify” heath claims.  The FDA routinely monitors and cracks down on companies making false claims, but it is best for you,...
  • Yeah! Spring is on the way!

    Yeah! Spring is on the way!

    Here are some things you may not know for the change in season:  1. We know that vegetables are healthy both for fiber and nutrient content. One thing you may not realize is that, according to a recent study, bitter vegetables seem to be more effective...
  • So… what type of diabetes do you have?

    So… what type of diabetes do you have?

    So…. you have been diagnosed with diabetes; but do you know what type of diabetes you have?  As it turns out, diabetes is not as simple as type 1 and type 2; but there are now five, yes five, proposed categories of diabetes.  These “types” now...
  • The New Year is Here

    The New Year is Here

    As the year moves forward into January, we all try to make pledges to start the year out by making resolutions to be better.  Everyone has room for improvement, so what do we want to change.  Do you want to eat better and exercise more?  Isn’t...
  • Let’s not kid ourselves; it is not easy to fit fitness and healthy eating in during the Holiday Season.

    Let’s not kid ourselves; it is not easy to fit fitness and healthy eating in during the Holiday Season.

    Maybe we can help with the following tips: Exercise Comes in many forms, and does not just have to occur in a gym.  Running, walking the dog, and even house cleaning counts as exercise.  In the warm summer months many people enjoy gardening.  For those of...
  • A Diabetes diagnosis can be scary..  but with a good support network you can not only survive but thrive with diabetes

    A Diabetes diagnosis can be scary.. but with a good support network you can not only survive but thrive with diabetes

    One of the main focuses of diabetes management is food.  Too often, people see diabetes as a barrier to enjoying eating. Many assume that a healthy diet is boring and tasteless.  Actually, when you get right down to it, diabetes can help your whole family stay...
  • What you need to know about Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN)

    What you need to know about Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN)

    Pain due to a condition known as Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) is the cause of much frustration and anxiety to thousands of patients with diabetes.  For the most part this pain is described as chronic and defined as pain that persists for more than six months. ...
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