TempraMed Joins the Fight Against T1D

For every purchase you make, we will donate  towards JDRF research

TempraMed are proud to have partnered with the JDRF to join in the fight against Type 1 Diabetes.


By partnering with JDRF, we're helping to unlock the science that is improving lives, and ultimately, finding a cure.

JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research.

No organization in the world is more committed to T1D research than JDRF. They provide focus and guidance to produce research breakthroughs that bring us closer to our goal: A World Without T1D.

About JDRF

The JDRF Mission

Improving lives today and tomorrow by accelerating life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat type 1 diabetes and its complications.


About TempraMed

Protecting Medications, Saving Lives

TempraMed is filling an unmet need for people who inject medications and would like to live their lives hassle free, and worry free about caring for their pharmaceuticals.

VIVI Cap 1 is the only scientifically validated, reusable insulin pen replacement cap that maintains your medication at proper “use” temperatures every day, preventing insulin degradation while you carry the insulin with you. VIVI Cap uses a unique patented combination of special insulation with “self-regenerating” heat absorbing material and control electronics.


TempraMed and JDRF

TempraMed is donating a portion of all purchases made on our website to the JDRF: for research to find a cure for T1D.

Together TempraMed and the JDRF are striving to make the lives of people with diabetes easier and better.

Our Solutions

By using patented, unique space grade technology, VIVI provides solutions to the century old problem - keeping medications at their optimal temperatures in both hot and cold environments.


VIVI Cap: Thermal Insulin Pen Carrying Case for all insulin pens. Keeps insulin protected from extreme temperatures - maintenance and hassle free. 



VIVI Epi EpiPen® Temperature Shield giving people with allergies the peace of mind that their Epinephrine is protected from temperatures and light, so it will do the job when needed.


Reusable Insulin Cooler Cap

Get VIVI Cap 1 and donate to JDRF

  • Scientifically proven to protect insulin from overheating or freezing
  • Works every day for years with no maintenance
  • Built-in temperature sensor with easy to read temperature indicator
  • Small & lightweight - fits in your purse or pocket
  • No need for water, ice packs, refrigeration or battery charging

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