How to Make Sure Your EpiPen is Safe and Effective if Ever Needed
Most of us have heard of an EpiPen®, having had to carry one ourselves, or know someone who has needed to carry one because of having a severe allergy to things they may come in contact with such as bees, certain foods, or even a product/chemical... -
Back to school!
It seems like the summer has flown by. With your list of school supplies at the ready, have you thought about how your child will store insulin? -
How Do I Keep My Insulin Cold While Traveling?
For people with diabetes whose lives depend on insulin injections, life can be restrictive and not as spontaneous as they would like. -
Purchasing Travel Insurance With Diabetes
With all the fluctuations and cancellations that can happen with travel these days, many people planning a trip choose to protect themselves with travel insurance. -
Upcoming Diabetes Technologies
Among the most common chronic illnesses around the world, the CDC states that diabetes develops in about 1 in 10 Americans. Of this number, up to 8 in 10 don’t even know they have it. -
My child has diabetes; now what?
When faced with a diagnosis of diabetes, there are so many questions that can go through your mind. When your child has diabetes, you can become quickly overwhelmed. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth; parenting a child with diabetes is a challenge that... -
Stress: It does affect your diabetes control!
Stress is a subject that seems to be a part of routine conversations these days. How many of us when talking to family or friends start a conversation with: ”I am so stressed out with”? … well, you fill in the blank. We have heavy traffic,... -
What Happens if Insulin Gets Warm?
Dreading Summer Fun Because of Diabetes? There’s A Solution It’s a nightmare scenario for anyone with diabetes — you’re out on a fun hike with friends, the sun is high, and you’re all having a great time, when suddenly you experience a crash. You reach for...