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October 31, 2022

9 Reasons Why This is the Perfect Gift for Insulin Pen Users

Insulin must remain at room temperature after it is opened, or risk being damaged or spoiled. This leads to consequences such as unpredictable blood sugar levels, increased insulin dosage ($$$), and even DKA.

Thankfully, VIVI Cap is here just in time for the holidays to take away this anxiety and stress. Keep reading to see why the VIVI Cap is the perfect gift for you, your loved ones, and even friends and coworkers too…

by Susan Sloane
Diabetes Care and Education Specialist

#1: VIVI Cap keeps your insulin potent and safe - under the summer heat, winter cold, and everything in between.

Scientific studies show that insulin that’s exposed to temperatures above 86° F - or below 32° F - is at higher risk of becoming damaged or spoiled. Insulin should never be frozen, and can be completely destroyed in freezing temperatures. VIVI Cap keeps insulin in “safe zone” temperatures 24/7, even in extreme heat or cold -- without maintenance, for years.

#2: VIVI Cap is scientifically validated and is FDA-Registered.

The super insulation technology in VIVI Cap was scientifically proven to be the best solution available when it comes to protecting insulin against extreme temperature in an academic study. And no wonder; the VIVI Cap is made from the same tech used in spacecraft by NASA, so it stays safe even through exposure to direct light, heat, harsh cold weather, or an accidental drop.

#3: VIVI Cap is TSA approved! No water, ice, or gels. Just carry this lightweight accessory in your pocket or purse anywhere you want… literally.

Take it wherever you go: school, work, travel, shopping, or anywhere outdoors. Go ahead and go out with your family and friends, and enjoy the places and activities you love. VIVI Cap is easy to use and protects insulin 24/7, rain or shine, hot or cold...without batteries or charging. Isn’t that a relief?

#4: VIVI Cap was carefully designed to take care of your or a loved one’s worries and frustrations in advance, all year long!

We all know that managing diabetes can get complicated. And it’s something you, your friends, co-workers, and acquaintances can relate to. Thankfully, VIVI Cap requires little-to-no maintenance. It’s specifically designed to ensure the days of charging or ice packs are over for good. It’s the perfect gift for any insulin pen user, regardless of where they are in their diabetes journey.

#5: Unmatched convenience and quality, even on the go.

Truth is, insulin can be VERY fragile. If it gets too hot or cold, it’s at a higher-risk of becoming damaged or spoiled. VIVI Cap shields your insulin against freezing (or overheating), 24/7 and 365 days a year! It’s the world's first FDA-registered thermal insulin cap, which keeps your insulin potent all year long. The ONLY device of its kind that needs no maintenance, batteries, charging, or ice packs. Small, lightweight, and TSA-Approved.

#6: Long lasting protection, backed by clinical trials and evidence.

VIVI Cap’s patented, space-grade technology protects insulin pens from temperature changes all day, every day, no matter how cold, hot, or harsh the weather gets. It is scientifically validated to be the best solution to keep insulin protected, so you (and your loved ones) can live a full and active life knowing your insulin stays safe 24/7 - for years.

#7: VIVI Cap is an affordable and simplified solution for people with diabetes. It's one of the few gifts that can truly help people get their life back, and live with more ease.

If you think a VIVI Cap will break the bank, you couldn't be further from the truth! It comes with a 3-year warranty, and it’s guaranteed to work for years on end. It won’t freeze or overheat, keeps insulin safe 24/7/365, and it lasts for years with unlimited daily use.

With all the compounding benefits, VIVI Cap is literally light enough to fit your pocket, your wallet and your budget.

#8: VIVI Cap now fits all insulin pens and ensures total protection.

The brand new VIVI Cap now works with ANY insulin pen (including disposable and reusable pens, models like Toujeo®, InPen®, and many more!), so you don’t need to worry if your VIVI Cap will work in case your insulin type changes. VIVI Cap doesn't have to be charged or refrigerated. No maintenance. It includes an insulin temperature indicator, is small and lightweight, and fits right in your pocket.

#9: VIVI Cap is a gift that helps you save more money. Seriously.

The cost of a damaged insulin pen is more than $100. This can seriously add up! Add in potential emergency room visits or DKAs due to extremely low blood sugar levels, and you’re facing $1,000's more in additional unexpected expenses. VIVI Cap saves your hard earned money by ensuring your insulin won’t damage, spoil, freeze, or overheat.